Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mike Mahler

Mike Mahler and kettlebells are synonymous. Mike has been instructing on the proper use of kettlebells for 7 years. But what drew me to his site and articles was his focus on nutrition.

I have experimented with different diets. While eating a vegan diet is stumbled across Mike's site. He a vegan strength and conditioning coach and has many articles on the vegan and strength training lifestyle. What kept me visiting and revisiting his site was his articles on hormone management.

He doesn't endorse hormone replacement therapy, except in extreme cases, but instead insists that our diet and lifestyle are the deciding factor of our vitality. He has documented his journey through male menopause, andropause, and the steps he took to get himself back on track, hormonally.

I highly suggest visiting his site and reading the articles that he has posted there.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


In an industry plagued by get fit quick schemes and improper training protocols Mehdi stands out as a person with only results in mind. I stumbled upon his blog,, a few years ago and immediately began a program he calls 5x5 starting strength.

A lot of magazines and fitness experts will tell you that in order to look like the guys and gals in the magazines you have to lift weights like them. What the experts don't tell you is the people you see in the magazines have already been lifting for years and have a good foundation to build upon. That is why they can lift the way they do.

Mehdi's program is targeted at anyone who wants to build a good foundation for any athletic endeavor. He focuses on the basic lifts such as squats, deadlifts, bench press, overhead press, and pull ups; and advises 5 sets of 5 repetitions, hence the 5x5.